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Michael Loupe Sentenced To 20 Years In Prison For Breaking Into Restaurants After Posing As Fire Inspector And Disabling Security Systems

CASTLE ROCK, Colo. (CBS4)- A man who posed as a fire inspector to break into restaurants in Castle Rock has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. The 18th Judicial District Attorney's Office said Michael Loupe's scheme unraveled in February of last year.

Michael James Loupe (sentenced, Burglar Impersonation, from 18th DA) copy
Michael Loupe (credit: 18th Judicial DA)

Loupe, 47, broke into four restaurants in the same night. Prosecutors say he was posting as a fire inspector and disabled security systems and returned later to break into the safes.

Castle Rock police tracked him down after he was recognized from a Crime Stoppers alert.

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