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Maria Empanada's founder honored for small business, dines with Vice Pres. Kamala Harris

Maria Empanada's founder honored for small business, dines with Vice Pres. Kamala Harris
Maria Empanada's founder honored for small business, dines with Vice Pres. Kamala Harris 01:05

A local woman who started her own business was invited to have dinner with Vice President Kamala Harris. Lorena Cantarovica founded Maria Empanada. 

Lorena Cantarovica

She was honored as a small business owner in Washington, DC. She came to America from Argentina with just $300. With that, she started a thriving business. 

"As Hispanics and Latinos coming from different countries let me tell you - we have stories - so it was something very nice about the speech she gave to us saying that that's exactly what we need to continue hearing - stories - because that reminds you that you need to continue fighting for your goals - for your dreams," said  Cantarovica.

Maria Empanada has three locations in the Denver metro area.    

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