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Firefighters Help Turn Around A 'Fowl' Mother's Day For Mama Duck

LOVELAND (CBS4) - A mother duck's Mother's Day was almost not what it was quacked up to be. Her day started out pretty "fowl" when her ducklings became trapped in a storm drain near Loveland's Benson Sculpture Park.

A passerby saw what was going on, realized it was a daffy situation, and called the fire department at about 7:40 a.m.

When the Loveland Fire Rescue Authority team arrived they found a nervous mother pacing next to the drain.

They first tried to open the steel grate covering the drain, but that idea didn't fit the bill. The firefighters couldn't do it without risking significant damage.

Firefighters didn't let their get feathers ruffled, though.

As they kept working to help the ducklings, one of the crew members found an exit pipe that fed a nearby stream that led to a pond in the park.

"They flowed some water into the drain which allowed the ducklings to float out of the exit pipe and into the stream," Scott Pringle with Loveland Fire Rescue Authority said in a statement.

Shortly thereafter, thankfully it all ended swimmingly. Mama and her ducklings were safely reunited.

"Our crew members were glad to be of assistance to the mother duck, especially considering it was Mother's Day!"



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