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Longmont Farmer Who Battled Drought Now Dealing With Flooding

LONGMONT, Colo. (CBS4) - Until last week, drought had been Longmont farmer Bill Haserbush's biggest concern.

"We were doing a rain dance every day and pretty soon I guess we done too many of them," said Haserbush, whose story is similar to many other farmers in the state.

A wall of water wall of water several feet high tore through Haserbush's 40 acre farm. It pushed the deck on the farmhouse several feet away from the building, plus did major damage to his crops and his hay.

While a CBS4 crew was at his farm the 57 year old showed off a tadpole that he fished out of his downstairs crawl space, where water flooded in.

"I sure hope this is the 500 year flood so I don't see it again," Haserbush said.

Officials in Longmont met with residents on Monday night to discuss their cleanup efforts and said the damaging rain was clearly unprecedented. City Manager Harold Dominguez said the city received 9 inches of rain last Thursday alone.

Additional Resources

Colorado Farm Bureau has set up a disaster fund to aid farmers and ranchers directly impacted by the recent flooding in Colorado. Checks can be written to the Colorado Farm Bureau Foundation. Learn more at

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