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Historic Church Still Drying Out After Flooding

DENVER (CBS4) - A week after flooding at a historic church in Denver, crews are still trying to dry out the mess.

Trinity United Methodist Church has been around at 1820 Broadway since 1887. It received serious damage from a hailstorm and heavy rain on June 28.

Part of the church is two stories underground. When the storm drains and a storm pump weren't able to keep up, about a foot of rain came rushing into the church.

Carpets have had to be ripped out and furniture and belongings have been moved up to higher ground. Heavy duty fans have been set up inside.

Trinity Pastor Michael Dent says they're not sure how bad the damage is yet.

"We're still assessing it," Dent told CBS4. "We keep finding mildew in places where the water got that shouldn't be, particularly on the lower level of the church -- classrooms, offices, hallways, in the walls, all the places that water runs, the lowest spot."

As cleanup continues the church will remain closed to classes and regular community meetings.

The church's insurance policy will help with the repair costs.

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