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High quality poinsettias grown by CSU students expected to sell out again

High quality poinsettias grown by CSU students expected to sell out again
High quality poinsettias grown by CSU students expected to sell out again 02:05

Some of the highest quality poinsettias in the region will soon be on sale in Fort Collins thanks to a semester's worth of attention given by horticulture students at Colorado State University. 

Poinsettias, the popular holiday plant gifted to end the year, have been the focus of upperclassmen at CSU since July, and will go on sale starting Saturday.  


"These are pretty high-quality plants," said Joshua Craver, Assistant Professor of Horticulture at CSU.  

For 27 years, CSU has hosted its annual poinsettia sale, and the quality and colors of the plants sold have gained a following over the decades. Their trend of selling out has caused the department to up the number of plants they are growing.  

"We had to end our sale early (in 2021) because we were wiped clean," Craver said.  

This year, the department plans to sell more than 1,200 poinsettias which were grown by 11 students.  

"It really is a labor of love," said Kit Powell, a senior who was one of the students that grew the plants. "They are a difficult species to grow, and with that, we have been very successful." 

In 2021, the opening day of the sale was met with a line of customers waiting for their chance to purchase the poinsettias.  

"The students have put in an incredible amount of work, so it is really exciting to be able to see the fruit of these labors," Craver said.  


Every day students tested soils, conducted graphical tracking, watered and completed pest control. The plants initially were grown under natural sunlight, but have since transitioned to being treated with artificial lighting.  

One of the top-selling points of the plants, away from their quality, is the price. Each plant is sold in the range of $10 to $15, far cheaper than those sold at many local stores. And, the proceeds go to the department's work.  

"We are able to fully fund the operation and class through the poinsettias we grow here," Craver said.  

Powell said the plants are much like a homemade present for loved ones, something he has given his full effort toward yet is ready to share to spread holiday cheer.  

 "It is sad to see them go, but I am glad to know they will help somebody's holiday," Powell said. 

The sale will take place Saturday, Dec. 3 from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The sale will return Monday and Tuesday in the afternoon as long as supplies last.  

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