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Safe, Secure Gun Storage Options Available In Colorado

LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4)- In an effort to prevent suicides, local gun shops are teaming up with medical professionals to provide safe and secure gun storage options. Businesses like Bristlecone Shooting in Lakewood have teamed up with UCHealth to offer firearm storage to those who are having mental health concerns.

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"Suicide is such a huge problem," said Jacquelyn Clark, owner of Bristlecone Shooting, Training & Retail Center. "One of the nasty things about firearms is that if you make an attempt with a firearm, usually you, unfortunately, are successful."

Clark said her facility was one of dozens around Colorado to offer secure storage for firearms, specifically to those who are having a mental crisis.

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"It could be because they are in a state of mental crisis. Or, it could be because the grandkids are visiting for an extended period of time," Clark said. "That's the hardest thing to do, is admit there is something going on where you need to put some time and distance between you and your firearms."

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Clark said, by offering a safe place for guns to be stored while also promising to return them at the owner's request, she believed her business was helping save lives across Colorado.

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"The decision to take your life is pretty impulsive," Clark said. "If we can help people that are in a state of mental crisis, who have already taken a step to understand they need to put some time and distance between themselves and lethal means, a firearm, then we have done our job."

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Bristlecone Shooting does charge a fee to secure the firearms, and does require a background check in order for the gun to be transferred back to the rightful owner. Other stores around Colorado also offer locker-type storage, often times which does not cost.

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Suicide is the leading cause of death in Colorado among children and adolescents 10 to 24 according to Colorado Health Institute.

If you need help you can call the state crisis hotline number at 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or you can text TALK to 38255.

You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-8255.

LINK: Mental Health Colorado

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