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Grizzly Creek Fire Grows To Nearly 20,000 Acres, Major I-70 Closure Stretches On Through The Weekend

GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4) - Managers of the battle against the Grizzly Creek Fire on Saturday listed the size of the blaze at 19,440 acres. The wildfire burning in Colorado's Glenwood Canyon continues to grow in areas and there is no containment.

The fire is currently the top firefighting priority in the country. Interstate 70 remains closed through the canyon and evacuation and pre-evacuation orders remain in place.

Grizzly Creek Fire
(credit: U.S. Forest Service)

The latest map from the U.S. Forest Service shows how the burn area covers the majority of the northern side of the canyon and part of the southern side.

Grizzly Creek Fire map
Grizzly Creek Fire map on Aug. 15 (credit: U.S. Forest Service)

Firefighters say the area west of Bair Ranch (on the northeast part of the fire) became very active on Friday night. In other areas including the No Name area they were able to hold fire lines thanks to favorable winds. An aggressive attack by the air fleet fighting the blaze also helped prevent aggressive growth on the southeast side.

More than 500 personnel are involved in the firefight. In addition to airplanes and helicopters, crews are using bulldozers and logging equipment.

The fire started on Monday and I-70 has been closed ever since. On Friday Gov. Jared Polis visited the area and told reporters I-70 might be closed for another two to three days.

The wildfire is believed to have ignited from sparks from a popped tire, dragging chains or rim.

Fire crews are working to protect Hanging Lake in the canyon and so far the vegetation around the popular and fragile natural area remains green.

Get the latest information about evacuations and closures to roads, boat ramps, trails and campgrounds at

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