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Greeley's New TV Show Tackles Community Rumors

GREELEY, Colo. (CBS4) - The city of Greeley is setting the record straight -- one TV episode at a time. The first edition of a new city TV program is out on Greeley's local cable channel.

"Real or Rumor" tackles the rumors and frustrations floating out in the community.

"We're working from a list of about 60 ideas right now," producer John Pantaleo said.

Pantaleo said the city is hoping to make two shows a month focusing on two real or rumor topics each time.

"Over at City Hall we get a lot of calls from people asking questions that sometimes reflect misconceptions, misperceptions, and certainly rumors and urban legends that we're trying to dispel," Pantaleo said.

The hosts are experienced city staff members answering questions about things like shoveling show into the road.

Imagine all sorts of mundane questions that people can really start to dwell on, like the Christmas decorations -- how long will the decorations stay up here at Lincoln Park? Or why is there a 3 hour parking limit on 7th Street, but a 4 hour parking limit over on 10th Avenue? They aren't always the most important questions, but people want to know.

"It's a good way to get information beyond what people might just be thinking or talking to their neighbors about," Pantaleo said.

The first episode of Real or Rumor is now running at least three times a day on Greeley's City Channel 8.

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