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Greeley Man Allegedly Sent Threatening Letter To President

GREELEY, Colo. (CBS4) - A man from Greeley who is currently in the Weld County Jail on a series of charges is accused of trying to mail a threatening letter to the president.

According to an indictment from the U.S. District Attorney's office, Jesse Arispe sent the letter to the White House last summer from Weld County. It contained "a threat to the life of, and to inflict bodily harm on, the president." Arispe could now end up serving more time in jail.

CBS4 News has learned Arispe has an extensive criminal background, and he was actually in custody in connection with other crimes, including felony assault, when this indictment was handed down.

His threats against President Barack Obama aside, the Weld County district attorney's office says Arispe was with Christian Hanson in 2009 when Hanson kidnapped and raped a woman who witnessed a gang-related murder in Greeley. Arispe is set to appear in court in the case later this month.

Arispe is facing a possible 5 years in jail and a $250,000 fine if he's convicted of sending the threatening letter.

His other charges could net him even more time behind bars.

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