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Gov. Hickenlooper Gets Behind Wheel Of Self-Driving Car

DENVER (CBS4)- Gov. John Hickenlooper got behind the wheel of a car from the future on Tuesday. We're not talking about a Delorean from Back to the Future, but the BMW self-driving car.

Hickenlooper also checked out the Arrow Electronics Corvette which can be driven by using head movements.

Gov. Hickenlooper drives the Arrow Electronics Corvette (credit: CBS)

He said the future is not just about self-driving but also about new technologies like all-electric cars that will help the environment.

"These are off-the-shelf electric components. They didn't rebuild a whole car from scratch, they just thought, 'What if someone was paralyzed and they couldn't use their arms or legs, what would it take to drive?' And they can," said Hickenloooper.

The cars were on display Tuesday at the second annual Transportation Matters Summit in Denver.

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