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Tina Peters' sentence draws applause and outrage. Supporters call her a "hero," judge calls her a "charlatan."

Colorado County Clerks Association responds to Tina Peters' sentence
Colorado County Clerks Association responds to Tina Peters' sentence 03:25

A judge ripped into a Colorado county clerk for her crimes and lies before sentencing her Thursday to nine years behind bars for a data-breach scheme spawned from the rampant false claims about voting machine fraud in the 2020 presidential race.

District Judge Matthew Barrett told former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters -- after earlier sparring with her for continuing to press discredited claims about rigged voting machines -- that she never took her job seriously.

"I am convinced you would do it all over again if you could. You're as defiant as any defendant this court has ever seen," Barrett told her in handing down the sentence. "You are no hero. You abused your position and you're a charlatan."

Tina Peters sits in a Mesa County courtroom at her sentencing hearing on Oct. 3, 2024. Mesa County Court via Webex

Jurors found Peters guilty in August for allowing a man to misuse a security card to access to the Mesa County election system and for being deceptive about that person's identity.

The man was affiliated with My Pillow chief executive Mike Lindell, a prominent promoter of false claims that voting machines were manipulated to steal the election from former President Donald Trump. The discredited claims trace back to Trump himself, whose supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol because of them and who still hints at them in his third run for president.

In a statement on Friday, Lindell called Peters' conviction "one of the biggest injustices this country has ever seen," calling Peters a "hero" who will be "vindicated."

At trial, prosecutors said Peters, a Republican, was seeking fame and became "fixated" on voting problems after becoming involved with those who had questioned the accuracy of the presidential election results.

A one-time hero to election deniers, Peters has been unapologetic about what happened. She was arrested in 2022.

Tina Peters 2022 mugshot Mesa County Sheriff's Office

Before being sentenced, Peters insisted that everything she did to try to unroot what she believed was fraud was for the greater good.

"I've never done anything with malice to break the law. I've only wanted to serve the people of Mesa County," she told the court.

When Peters pressed on with claims no legal authority has corroborated about "wireless devices" and fraud software in voting machines, however, she drew the judge's exasperation. Ballot recounts showed no discrepancies, he pointed out.

"I've let you go on enough about this," Judge Barrett said. "The votes are the votes."

Later, the judge noted that Peters has kept up public appearances in broadcasts to sympathetic audiences for her own benefit.

"It's just more lies. No objective person believes them. No, at the end of the day, you cared about the jets, the podcasts and people fawning over you," Barrett said.

Peters had the right to be defiant, he noted, but it was "certainly not helpful for her lot today."

The breach led by Peters heightened concerns that rogue election workers sympathetic to partisan lies could use their access and knowledge to attack voting processes from within.

It's impossible to overestimate the damage Peters has done to other election workers in Colorado and elsewhere, Colorado County Clerks Association Director Matt Crane told the court.

"In a real and specific way, her actions have led directly to death threats and general threats to the lives and the families of the people who work in our elections," Crane said. "She has willingly aided individuals in our country who believe that violence is a way to make a point. She has knowingly fueled a fire within others who choose threats as a means to get their way."

He, his wife and his children have been among those threatened, Crane said.

In an interview with CBS News Colorado, Crane said he felt "Tina got served justice." He stressed, however, that "the impact is not over, and we'll be filling it for years to come."

Now, county clerks' offices around the state have been working to rebuild voters' trust, despite threats to them and high turnover, with the election just a few weeks away.

Courthouse staff in Grand Junction have also received multiple threats that were being vetted by law enforcement while extra security was provided on Friday, Mesa County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Wendy Likes said.

In Mesa County, Peters' actions have cost the local government $1.4 million in legal fees and lost employee time, County Commissioner Cody Davis estimated at the sentencing hearing.

Peters' notoriety has also incurred "unseen costs" for the area, Davis told the court.

"We have a lot of pride in this community but our reputation has taken a hit," Davis said. "Her behavior has made this county a national laughingstock."

Peters was convicted of three counts of attempting to influence a public servant, one count of conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation, first-degree official misconduct, violation of duty and failing to comply with the secretary of state.

She was found not guilty of identity theft, one count of conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation and one count of criminal impersonation. Yet she persisted on social media to accuse Colorado-based Dominion Voting Systems, which made her county's election system, and others of stealing votes.

Colorado won't allow anyone to threaten its elections, Secretary of State Jena Griswold said in a statement in response to Peters' sentencing.

"Colorado's elections are the nation's gold standard. I am proud of how we have responded to the first insider elections breach in the nation and look forward to another secure and successful election in November," Griswold said.

Attorney General Phil Weiser in a statement called the sentence "fair and just."

In this week's installment of Left, Right, Center, Democratic analyst Mike Dino told CBS News Colorado political specialist Shaun Boyd he was surprised by the sentence handed down against Peters.

Message sent with stolen election conspiracy Colorado court outcome: Watch Left, Right, Center 20:48

"But I was also surprised by the community that came forth that said they were affected by it. Former Congressman Scott McInnis, who's on the Mesa County Commission, said how it affected people, impacting their lives and the money they had to spend and that was pretty poignant. And the judge is calling her a 'charlatan,'" Dino said. "I think people will be frightful of it and I think, while this wasn't an election-denial type trial, per se, because she tampered with election equipment, people like the former president, I think should be fearful that somebody can come down on them pretty hard."

Republican analyst Dick Wadhams, in that same segment, lauded the judge's sentence and statements, saying it "sent (a message) to election officials across the nation that this will not be tolerated."

Wadhams warned, however, that not only will Peters' sentence and conviction not discourage Peters' supporters and election deniers, it will only embolden them.

"They believe it and they will this will not deter them. In fact, she will become a martyr to these folks. And so now I think it will have an effect on people doing what she did again, but it will not stem the stolen election conspiracies. In fact, it will probably encourage them."

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