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'First Day Hike': Colorado State Parks Encourage An Active Start To 2020

(CBS4) -- Colorado Parks and Wildlife is encouraging people to start the new year off right, by participating in one of more than 30 First Day Hikes at state parks. On Wednesday, about 40 people came together to hike the snowy trails at Chatfield State Park.

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"It's a very Colorado thing to do," John Goerner told CBS4. "It's a great way to start the year."

On Jan. 1 of every year, CPW hosts "First Day Hikes," encouraging people to get outside.

"It's just an idea to start the year off on the right foot and that foot is outside, fresh air, beautiful scenery, at any one of our 41 state parks," explained Jason Clay with CPW.

Many of the hikes are guided -- meaning people will not only get exercise, but will also learn about the parks history, landscape and wildlife. The Rojo family was taking part in the hike on Wednesday, when they saw a porcupine at Chatfield State Park.

"I want my kids to appreciate the outdoors like I grew up doing," explained Megan Rojo, who was hiking with her parents and two kids.

The family's goal is to get outdoors, more often in 2020.

CPW hopes the hiking opportunity encourages health lifestyles and stewardship of the outdoors as we begin the new year.

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"Over here there are people ice fishing, our ice anglers," Clay pointed out at the state park. "And down here we have the off leash dog park. Right in the heart of the Metro you've got a lot of people doing things outside."

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