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Fire Victim Faces Challenge Not Becoming Homeless

ADAMS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - A man was burned out of his home in Adams County over the weekend and now he's facing a special challenge in finding a new place to live.

David Camp, 58, was trapped inside his home Saturday morning when the fire broke out.

"I heard the alarm go off and I opened my door and all of a sudden the smoke was overbearing in there; really thick and I couldn't see (anything)," Camp said.

The fire forced Camp out of his home. Now he's living in a hotel thanks to help from the Red Cross. When his time runs out there, and with no family, he'll likely be homeless.

"Probably a shelter will put me up for a while until I get on my feet," he said.

Neighbors remember seeing the house on fire. Knowing Camp was in a wheelchair they just hoped he made it out alive.

"I was concerned. My initial thought was to call 911, but like I saw the firemen were already here," neighbor Esequel Bachicha said.

The smell of smoke was still present in the area over 24 hours after the fire broke out. The home is now uninhabitable.

A padlock has been placed on the door and a sign from the building inspector keeps Camp out. He hopes to find another place to live before he's forced out on the streets.

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