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Family Of 11 Loses Home To Fire In Thornton

THORNTON, Colo. (CBS4) - Fire crews in Thornton are trying to figure out what caused a home to go up in flames.

A married couple with nine children had been renting the home, but everyone escaped unharmed.

Inside the home most everything was consumed by flames, water and smoke. Now the nine children and their parents along with a few animals are left to call motel rooms their temporary home.

Jessica Golden is the one who first discovered the fire.

"We heard Jessica saying, 'Fire, fire by the door," Jessica's sister Angelica Golden said. "Then a big fire was in the house; a big one."

Timmy Golden is being called a hero by his dad. The boy helped to get the rest of his brothers and sister out of the house.

What sparked the fire is still under investigation, but Dale Golden believes the children may have had firecrackers stored in their rooms. The house was filled with family memories. But the most important part of the family is still there to make new memories.

"We've got nine beautiful, loving kids and a beautiful wife and we're all strong," Dale Golden said. "So it's good that were all united."

United, and on the move again. Everything they have left is packed in the family van. A friend is putting them up for a few weeks, but beyond that the family of 11 doesn't know where they will be next.

Donate to the Golden family through Community of Faith United at (303) 452-2727.

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