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Facebook Helps Track Down Criminal In Aspen Case

ASPEN, Colo. (CBS4) - Facebook photos have helped police track down the suspect in an assault in Aspen that happened more than two years ago.

Aspen resident Jeremy Weir says May 23, 2010, was a night he will never forget. Weir was the unintended recipient of a thrown glass as a patron was being kicked out of the Regal Watering Hole. Weir was hit in the face.

"I cut other people with glass from my forehead and I don't remember anything after that until they were digging glass out of my forehead at the ER," Weir said.

The suspect got away, and wasn't heard of for quite some time. More than 700 days, in fact.

"Then a witness came forward sending us a picture that he had observed on Facebook," Detective Walter Chi told CBS4.

Derek Clark
Derek Clark (credit: Aspen Police)

The witness told police he read an article in a newspaper about a possible crime committed by a person named Derek Clark. The witness searched for Clark on Facebook, saw his picture and says he realized that Facebook picture showed the suspect in the Regal Watering Hole assault.

Police then had two more witnesses come forward saying Clark was in fact the glass thrower.

"It was enough to put us in touch with this person and say 'Hey we have an identified suspect now,' " Chi said.

Weir said he couldn't believe the suspect was actually located after all this time.

"I got a phone call from one of the officers that I've grown to know over this time period and I thought it was almost a joke," Weir said.

Weir had thousands of dollars of medical bills, as well as 22 stitches. Now he says he just wants justice served.

"I think he deserves what he gets. Honestly, who throws a glass? That's such a weak move."

Clark has not spoken to police, and is invoking his 5th Amendment rights. He told the district court judge he's spent all his money on bond in another criminal case he's inolved in, so he was released on his own recognizance.

Clark will be back here in court in Aspen on July 16 to face felony assault charges.

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