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Get behind the wheel intoxicated and find yourself in jail, Colorado State Patrol warns

Colorado State Patrol warns drivers: get behind the wheel intoxicated and find yourself in jail
Colorado State Patrol warns drivers: get behind the wheel intoxicated and find yourself in jail 01:45

Troopers with the Colorado State Patrol are putting out a new message for anyone who thinks they can drive under the influence; Don't Underestimate Impairment.

Troopers say driving under the influence is the number one contributor to fatal crashes in Colorado. 

Troopers say once you are pulled over, you are impacted financially and could see yourself behind bars. Your impairment level, including blood alcohol concentration and number of previous offenses, will determine the consequences.

A few penalties people might not realize after a first offense include:

  • Nine months without a driver's license (license revocation);
  • A requirement to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle for up to 9 months;
  • Providing proof of SR-22 insurance (proof of insurance) to get your driver's license back;
  • Increased car insurance costs;
  • Paying numerous fines and fees. This is at least $13,000;
  • Completion of a required alcohol and drug education and treatment course (up to 76 hours, depending on impairment level);
  • Completion of community service (up to 96 hours, depending on impairment level).

CSP wants everyone to know they are out looking for anyone driving under the influence. The biggest thing they see is drivers weaving in and out of lanes. Once pulled over, they check for things like slurred speech and wet and red bloodshot eyes. This includes the use of drugs, alcohol and cannabis.

Troopers say the biggest reason they see people get behind the wheel; thinking they won't get pulled over. 

"One of the big risks is still getting behind the wheel and assuming you live close by," CSP Trooper Gabriel Moltrer said. "You don't know what could be around the corner. Someone could be crossing the street and your perception of time is slowed and you may not see them until last minute."

Troopers recommend using the buddy system if you know you are going to drink; either ride home with a friend or loved one or use rideshare services including a taxi or Uber. Make sure if they have been drinking, take away their keys and never let them get behind the wheel.

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