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University of Denver's COVID-19 Testing Pod Key For Return To In-Person Learning

DENVER (CBS4) - The University of Denver has a simple construction pod on campus, which is a key tool in helping students and staff stay safe during the pandemic. DU calls it their COVID-19 Testing Pod.

It's becoming a campus staple in the midst of the pandemic.

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"Everybody knows the pod. It's got great visibility," said Sarah Watamura, COVID-19 Response Coordinator and Professor at the University of Denver. "We joke that it's the welcome center of the university because it's the first place the people come because they have to be retested before they can rejoin the community."

The COVID-19 Testing Pod is 40 feet long, and it sits just north of the Richie Center. People can walk, bike or drive up to one of six windows to receive their test.

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"When you come up to the pod there is an intercom so the person on the inside can speak to the person on the outside without having to open up the door initially. And then they can open the window, do the consent process, and take the swab very easily there," Watamura said.

"There are hand sanitizer stations at every window so that a person can wash their hands and be outside of the pod. On the inside of the pod, all their personal protective equipment and cleaning options are on the inside."

The pod cost just shy of $200,000 to construct, but it was money well spent. It was built after testers were trying to beat the heat in August.

"The testers were outside and under tents, but it was hot, and they were getting heat sickness and heat stroke from being out all day," she said.

DU partnered with PCL Construction and in 10 days the pod was ready for use.

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"And we've been using it from that point forward, and we do 600 tests a day," Watamura said.

The COVID-19 Testing Pod is used now for testing, but Sarah hopes it could be used as a place to give the coronavirus vaccine in the future.

"Any type of mobile medical unit I think is a really valuable tool to have and I think it is something that we will use on other types of initiatives moving forward. So, we felt that it was a good long-term investment."

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