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Oldest Male Giraffe In North America Dies At Denver Zoo

DENVER (CBS4)- The oldest male giraffe in North America lived at the Denver Zoo until he had to be euthanized. Dikembe was 24 years old.

The Denver Zoo said he was the longtime patriarch of the zoo's giraffe herd. He was described as gentle, charismatic and goofy.

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Dikembe (credit: Denver Zoo)

He sired 17 offspring during his time at the zoo, including Dobby who celebrated his first birthday in February.

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Dobby (credit: Denver Zoo)

The zoo says that for the past several years, Dikembe had been treated for a host of health issues. They made the decision to humanely euthanize him after he began showing signs that his quality of life had declined.

"We are confident Dikembe lived each of his 9,036 days in comfort and with the opportunities that allowed him to thrive at Denver Zoo," the Denver Zoo released in a statement.

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