Difficult Weekend For Drivers Near Creeks
DENVER (CBS4) -- Two snowy days, two vehicles in Clear Creek. And almost a third drawn into the waters of Cherry Creek.
Twitter messages from the Colorado State Patrol detailed the two incidents in Clear Creek Canyon. The first, after sundown Saturday night, saw a pickup truck slide off Highway 6 at mile marker 270.5 near Tunnel One. The driver suffered minor bumps and bruises.
Sunday, a female driver's car left the same roadway six miles to the west of the previous crash. She was uninjured. Troopers drove her home.
CSP praised both drivers for wearing their seat belts.
Near downtown Denver, a car was discovered Sunday morning dangling off the wall separating Cherry Creek from Speer Boulevard traffic. The car lodged in trees near the West 12th Avenue. No one was found with the vehicle, which appeared to have been wrecked sometime during the previous night.
The Front Range experienced single-digit temperatures and snowfall through the weekend. Road conditions deteriorated both nights.
The Clear Creek vehicles will be recovered later, CSP said, when weather conditions improve and during times of day when canyon traffic will be least affected.