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Deputy Who Killed Ziggy Previously Shot Another Dog

ADAMS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)- CBS4 has confirmed that Adams County Deputy Wilfred Europe III, who shot and killed a dog, Ziggy, Monday night, shot another dog during his nearly five year career with Adams County.

"That dog lived," said Europe's lawyer, Donald Sisson, confirming the CBS4 account Thursday evening.

The attorney said he had no additional information on the circumstances surrounding Europe's previous dog shooting.

"He has no prior discipline as it relates to use of force or excessive force and has had good performance evaluations," said Sisson.

Deputy Europe's attorney also refuted accusations that when Europe killed the dog he was at the wrong address.

Sisson said deputies responded on a security alarm call and "they responded to the proper address."

Sisson said there are four to five buildings that share the same address and Jeff Fisher, the owner of Ziggy, has a business in one of those buildings.

Sisson said Europe and another deputy first searched a main building on the property then moved on and searched a shed behind the main building. He said they then moved on to check the building that houses Fisher's business.

Sisson declined to describe what happened next.

However CBS4 has obtained Deputy Europe's account of what led to Ziggy's shooting.

Europe has told his department that when he approached Fisher's business, he could hear a dog barking and that Fisher opened the door. He then described Ziggy attempting to get out the door.

Europe said the dog "ran straight toward me, barking and growling and snapping its teeth."

According to the narrative obtained by CBS4, Europe backpedaled about 25 feet but says the dog pursued him and that Ziggy "lunged" towards him.

The deputy writes that he kicked Ziggy in the chest but that the dog continued advancing on the officer who "feared he was going to bite me. I had no choice," said Europe, who said he fired two shots that killed the dog.

That account is different than Fisher's account that Ziggy was running away from the deputy when the dog was shot. Fisher has also previously reported that three shots were fired.
According to information gathered by CBS4, Europe also reported that Fisher immediately threatened to sue the Adams County Sheriff's Office for what happened.

"Why couldn't you use your taser," Fisher is reported to have asked the deputies on scene.

They also say Fisher told them, "It is what it is."

- Written by Brian Maass for

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