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WATCH: Police, Deputies And Troopers Celebrate 'Doughnut Day' With Comical Videos

(CBS4) -- Some first responders in Colorado clearly take National Doughnut Day very seriously. The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office and Evergreen Fire Rescue posted a video of "an unusual rescue" on Friday morning.

"JCSO deputies recently responded to an unusual call for precious cargo stuck in a tree. Unfortunately they couldn't reach it. Thankfully, Evergreen Fire Rescue was close by!"

An Unusual Rescue

JCSO deputies recently responded to an unusual call for precious cargo stuck in a tree. Unfortunately they couldn't reach it. Thankfully, Evergreen Fire Rescue was close by! #NationalDoughnutDay #NationalDonutDay #

Posted by Jefferson County Sheriff's Office on Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Colorado State Patrol also made a video about their passion for the "greatest of all days."

The Pueblo Police Department also took time to pay tribute to the semi-official holiday.


Posted by Pueblo Police Department on Friday, June 7, 2019

Several law enforcement agencies have posted elaborately staged videos on previous occasions -- the Castle Rock Police and the Larimer County's Sheriff's Office even caught the attention of CBS and will be featured on a show "Lipsync to the Rescue."

LINK: Lipsync To The Rescue Voting Page

"It was really cool to get to show the personality of a lot of our deputies," said Jared Kramer, information specialist for the Larimer County Sheriff's Office.

They picked a song from 'The Greatest Show' and even got a shout out from actor Hugh Jackson.

LCSO The Greatest Lip Sync by Larimer Sheriff on YouTube

The Castle Rock Police Department decided to put their hands up and went with "Party in the U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus. Their video has over 320,000 videos on YouTube.

Castle Rock Police Lip Sync Challenge by Town of Castle Rock on YouTube

Here's how you can be vote in "Lipsync to the Rescue":

  1. Check out 30 clips from first responders tackling the Lip Sync challenge.
  2. Choose your favorite and vote as often as you'd like!
  3. Find out the Top 10 finalists during the live broadcast and help decide the lucky winner.

The winner will be announced live during the broadcast. The date of the broadcast has not been announced.

Voting is subject to Terms & Conditions.

Lip Sync Challenge: CPW Officers Answer 'What Does The Fox Say?'


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