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Denver Weather: Warmer on Sunday before another summer cold front arrives

Warmer on Sunday before another summer cold arrives
Warmer on Sunday before another summer cold arrives 02:35

After two relatively cool days on Friday and Saturday, it will feel like summer again on Sunday before another cold front arrives.

The cloudy and wet weather on Friday kept Denver's high temperature limited to 70 degrees which is about 15 degrees below normal for the final weekend of August. Saturday was noticeably warmer but still below normal with an official high temperature of 81 degrees at the airport. And unlike Friday, most areas enjoyed a dry day on Saturday.

Sunday will be different with lots of sunshine in the morning followed by a quick increase in cloud cover by 2 p.m. Scattered showers and thunderstorms will develop in the high country shortly after 12 p.m. and eventually the shower activity should reach the urban corridor. Temperatures will also be warmer with mid 80s for most areas below 6,000 feet.


The chance for rain around Denver, Boulder, and Fort Collins on Sunday is not has high as it was on Friday but there is still a good chance of at least brief rainfall in most neighborhoods at some point late in the day. Severe weather is not expected but small hail, heavy rain, and wind gusts to 50 mph will be possible with the stronger storms.


The cold front that triggers the thunderstorms will move across the Front Range Sunday evening causing cooler temperatures again on Monday. Highs will be in the lower 70s. Until the front clears the region on Monday night, there will be a continued chance for showers and non-severe thunderstorms on Monday. Then dry and warm weather returns on Tuesday followed by hot conditions again for the middle of next week.

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