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DA: Denver Officer Justified In Shooting Man Who Charged Him With A Machete

DENVER (CBS4) -- Denver police officers will not face charges or discipline for shooting 30-year-old Heber Gonzalez on Sept. 26. Investigators say Gonzalez was armed with a machete and charged toward an officer with with the machete raised in his hand. Police say Gonzalez was 10-15 feet away from Officer Samuel Bailey, and still running at a fast pace, when Bailey shot him.

heber gonzalez running toward officer
Officer Samuel Bailey's body-worn camera shows Heber Gonzalez running toward him. (credit: Denver District Attorney's Office)

Gonzalez was rushed to the hospital and survived.

Denver District Attorney Beth McCann reviewed the case and concluded that the shooting was legally justified because Bailey was defending himself.

heber gonzalez machete
(credit: Denver District Attorney's Office)

DA McCann's decision letter to Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen is available for review here.

Gonzalez is charged with first degree assault, menacing, and possession of a weapon by a previous offender -- all felonies. His preliminary hearing is scheduled for Dec. 1.

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