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Flight Routes Being Slashed At Denver International Airport At High Rate

(CBS4) - Across the nation, airlines are cutting flights due to COVID-19 concerns and Denver International Airport is one of the airports most impacted.

In the first quarter, airlines dropped more than 300 flights from DIA, according to the Denver Business Journal. That includes Alaska Airlines dropping a route between Portland and Denver and Spirit Airlines slashing a route between Detroit and Denver.

(credit: CBS)

Across the country, airlines have cut nearly 7,000 flights the first three months of the year.

While the airport is off to a slow start in 2022, it is expecting a big travel boom this summer. This summer, flights between Denver and Europe are expected to be higher than what we saw in 2019, before the pandemic.

The DBJ also reports that this spring, DIA will start daily flights to Munich Germany while also doubling daily flights to London in March.

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