Denver Barn Party Benefits Nonprofit For At-Risk Youth In Colorado
DENVER (CBS4) - What's billed as the biggest cowboy and cowgirl party of them all is happening soon in Denver. The Denver Barn Party is organized by The Denver Active 20-30 Children's Foundation.
The Denver Active 20-30 Children's Foundation is a nonprofit which helps raise money for disadvantaged, at-risk youth in Denver.
Sam Evasick, Chair of the Denver Barn Party, joined CBS4 This Morning to talk about the goal of the event.
"It's a group of 100 or so professional, young gentlemen between the ages of 20 and 39 who share in the common goal of improving the outcomes of at-risk youth in the State of Colorado," he said.
The Denver Barn Party is Sept. 28 at the Polo Reserve in Littleton. Recording artist Chris Janson will be performing.
LINK: Denver Barn Party