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Denver Art Museum's Indian Art Exhibition Opens

DENVER (CBS4)- The Denver Art Museum has restored and expanded its American Indian Art Exhibition and it's on display for the rest of the year.

"The exhibit now has a new focus on artists, their creations and their inspirations. It includes more than 18,000 art objects representing the heritage of all cultures and tribes across the United States and Canada," DAM's website states. "The collection spans more than 2,000 years of artistic creativity, from prehistoric times to the present."

The collection includes the following diverse artistic traditions:

-- Pueblo ceramics
-- Navajo textiles
-- Northwest Coast sculpture
-- Basketry
-- Plains beadwork
-- Oil paintings

The collection represents the full range of American Indian art styles.

The following is a list of some of the artists:

- Maria and Julian Martinez
- George Walkus
- Dan Namingha
- Harry Fonseca
- Roxanne Swentzell
- Hock E Aye Vi Edgar Heap of Birds
- Standing Bear
- Oscar Howe
- Daisy Taugelchee
- Annie Boone

The exhibit is located on levels 2 and 3 in the North Building. It runs through Dec. 31.

Photo Gallery: Denver Art Museum's American Indian Art Exhibition

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