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Shared Workspaces Alter Workflow To Abide By 'Safe-At-Home' Phase

DENVER (CBS4)- The Shift is, an appropriate name. Its building shifted from the old Fistell's electronics to modern shared workspaces. What was left of Fistell's analog era now serves as art at the bar for those who work in today's digital era.

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Maggie Smith showed CBS4 around, "We have had a lot of time for people to spend at home, the point of co-working and who we are is to build a community together of like-minded individuals."

And they are like-minded about the virus. They have an air purifier and an ultraviolet light to help kill bacteria.

Gov. Jared Polis has indicated workplaces should not be at more than 50% of usual once the stay-at-home order is lifted and replaced with the safe-at-home phase in Colorado. That means a system may have to be put in place at all businesses as to who can work when.

Smith added, "We are hoping people still want to come out of their homes, come together and find a place to work."

So does The Grid on Broadway where the cleanup is underway. Besides, weekly free breakfast for its members, it will offer hand sanitizer and other such necessities of the moment.

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Danny Needham is the founder and owner, "Where we have people shoulder-to-shoulder now they have to be six feet apart, so now when they have their meetings they are going to be six feet apart like this... a little bit different," he said.

RELATED: Latest Updates On The Coronavirus Outbreak In Colorado

The Grid is big so people will be spread out. The various companies will be guided to keep their own staffs at 50%. Individual offices are already separated by glass.

Before COVID-19, shared work spaces became a modern way of life. Now, they too will have
to adjust to the new normal.

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The back to work will be gradual, as emphasized in the state's new working motto "Safer-at-Home."

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