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Eagle County Is The 1st In Colorado To Lift Strict Guidelines For Coronavirus

EAGLE COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)- Eagle County was hit hard early with coronavirus. But the county is the first in the state to roll back some of the extreme social distancing requirements. The new orders take effect April 27.

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Eagle County was the first in Colorado to enact an emergency declaration, giving them extra time to secure enough tests and PPE for health care workers.

County officials are seeing a major reduction in the number of new cases and health care officials say they are now ready to handle this crisis for the weeks and months ahead.

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Gov. Jared Polis made a virtual visit to Eagle County on Thursday, approving the county's request to roll back some of their stay-at-home orders.

"Everybody stepped up to inspire the rest of the state," said Polis.

RELATED: Latest Updates On The Coronavirus Outbreak In Colorado

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Some of the big changes with the lifting of the order is that businesses that were forced to close under the stay-at-home order can reopen starting April 27. Those businesses must adhere to strict social distancing guidelines, with gatherings of up to 10 people allowed.

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