Is That Coughing From Coronavirus Or A Reaction To Wildfire Smoke?
DENVER (CBS4)- With so many fires in Colorado and the West, there has been a lot of smoke in the air this summer. Some people may be experiencing breathing issues or cold-like symptoms.
The question is, are the symptoms related to smoke or COVID-19?
A pulmonologist at National Jewish Health said to pay attention to how long you are feeling sick or coughing.
"If you're someone who exercises, you notice yourself coughing and you don't feel sick beyond what you would expect, then you're probably okay," said Dr. Anthony Gerber at National Jewish Health.
RELATED: Air Quality Unhealthy For Everyone As Wildfire Smoke Gets Worse In Colorado
The air quality along the Front Range is expected to improve on Friday but the haze will linger.
Gerber said if you have a sensitivity, like a lung condition or young children, it's best to exercise more caution.