Completed US 36 Bikeway To Boulder Opens
BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4) - The second phase of the paved bikeway between Denver and Boulder will open Tuesday, March 1, completing the connection.
This addition to the existing pathway begins at 88th Street in Louisville and ends at Table Mesa Drive in Boulder. The first phase, which opened to commuters in June 2015, extends from 80th Avenue in Westminster to 88th Street in Louisville.
In total, 18 miles of paved bike path is now open to commuters as an alternative mode of transportation between Denver and Boulder.
The bikeway features 12-foot wide lanes with 2-foot wide shoulders. It also connects to the existing trail system, providing for commuters and recreational users.
Though the path does open to cyclists Tuesday, CDOT said some minor construction, landscape, and cleanup activities may continue through spring.
"We are encouraging cyclists to let us know if they notice that any particular part of the bikeway needs attention," said CDOT Project Director Scott Rees. "Since last July, we've seen an average of almost 100 people per day on some areas of the US 36 Bikeway."