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Community Support Steps Up To Keep Donations Coming In For The Together 4 Colorado Toy Drive

DENVER (CBS4)- The Together 4 Colorado Toy Drive has become an annual event every December at the University of Denver. But the pandemic has changed the way donations are collected.

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"Typically in the past, our cheerleaders have taken on their effort and done a tremendous job. But with COVID, we kind of put aside some programs this year, just to make things work for our student-athletes just to be able to play on the surface," said Angel Field, the Associate Athletic Director for External Operations and Service at the University of Denver,

Normally there would be a Teddy Bear Toss at DU's hockey games and cheerleaders would pick up toys right outside the Richie Center. Because fans are not being allowed to attend games this year, the toy drive donation event was almost canceled, but at the last minute, the administration changed their minds.

"We just didn't want to shut the door on the kids on the Boys and Girls Club might need those donations. So as a senior staff we decided it must go on," Field said.

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DU decided put on a one day shop-and-drop event on Saturday, asking the community to donate unwrapped toys for the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Denver, and the community responded. One by one, cars trickled in with their donations, like Dana Brimmer who arrived with a bag full or arts and crafts supplies.

"I think that it's fun for the kids to be creative," Brimmer said. "I also brought some imagination type toys."

Also, an anonymous donor called in and dropped off some toys. Proving that not even a pandemic can story the power of giving.

"You never know where people come from and for me personally, to have that heart filled with love and joy over the Christmas holiday or the winter holiday, all in all, it's just a great joy," Field said.

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The Together 4 Colorado Toy Drive drive-up and drop-off event is Dec. 11 in the parking lot of the King Soopers in Belmar and at 80th and Sheridan from Noon to 7 p.m.

LINK: Together 4 Colorado Toy Drive

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