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Bud Black Hints Dahl Could Take Over As Colorado Rockies Leadoff Hitter

DENVER (CBS4)- Colorado Rockies manager Bud Black is spending his quarantine in his hometown of San Diego.  When he and his wife Nan aren't teaming up with Dodgers manager Dave Roberts and his wife Tricia to help deliver food to heath care workers, the Rockies skipper is busy keeping tabs on his players.

"I Zoomed last night with our catching core," said Black in an interview with CBS4 sports anchor Michael Spencer.

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Bud Black (credit: CBS)

"We've got another call tomorrow with five or six guys who are back east in Florida. We're going to text with Nolan, Trevor, Hampson and Mac (Ryan McMahon) on Thursday. So we're keeping tabs on the guys."

One of the things sure to be discussed is the potential new Rockies lineup, including the addition of David Dahl as the Rockies leadoff hitter. Dahl, should he start the season in the leadoff spot, would supplant Charlie Blackmon who's been a staple at the top spot in the lineup since 2014.

Rockies fans got a potential glimpse of the new change when Dahl inserted himself into the leadoff spot while playing in the MLB The Show video game tournament recently.

When asked about Dahl's decision to put himself first in the lineup Black acknowledged that could be a reality if and when baseball resumes.

"That looks very similar to a projected lineup that we might have," said Black. "We talked to David about leading off, so David was paying attention in spring training."

Black hinted that the move would mean Blackmon would slide to the three-hole and Nolan Arenado would take over as the cleanup hitter, with Trevor Story batting second.

When asked if he'd watched Dahl's first round of games Black joked, "Video games are not my bag," but said he might have to talk to Dahl about his 1-2 start, "I'm going to talk with him here in a couple of days, I might get on him."

As for a potential return to baseball Black said he expects games to be played. "First and foremost I hope everybody is safe and healthy. I really believe we're going to play this year. I don't know when, but hang in there. We'll be back at Coors Feld at some point," said Black when asked for his message to Rockies fans.

"I'm looking forward to getting back to Colorado. I know that (Rockies owner) Dick (Montfort) loves the Rockies, the players love the Rockies, and I know that we want to get back in front of our fans and be playing this year."

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