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Nonprofit provides mental health services to CU athletes after playing career

Nonprofit provides mental health services to CU athletes after playing career
Nonprofit provides mental health services to CU athletes after playing career 02:34

Sean Tufts knows what it's like to be a student-athlete. He played football for the Colorado Buffaloes from 2000 to 2003. 

"The public thinks that, you know, athletes are these superstar, high-paid athletes. That's not true. These are still college kids," he said. 

That means he knows well the highs and the lows student athletes face.  

"I think there's a stigma there that they have it made. that's not true they are making it," said Tufts. 

That's why he works with Buffs 4 Life; a nonprofit that provides mental health services for CU athletes when their playing days are over.  

"Our goal is to take that thing we do on a basketball court, on a football field, on a ski slope, and let the public know... You know, you've got to make your mind as strong as your body," said Tufts. 


One way Buffs 4 Life is spreading that message is through current CU athletes. Thanks to new NCAA regulations that allow players to earn money with their name image and likeness, he can recruit current CU athletes to help Buffs 4 Life talk about mental health in athletics. 

"We can show the athletes how they prepare mentally for the game, things that stress them and ways overcome that and push that in the community to attract more attention to it," said Tufts. 

He says having well rounded athletes is something CU and their superstar football coach want too. 

"He wants to train whole athletes. He's a gravitational leader that really, really focuses on the person, not just X's and O's," said Tufts. 

So, giving student athletes money to promote mental health is a great thing for all involved, and as a Buff legend, he's glad CU is involved with helping their athletes use their positions responsibly. 

"Rick George's leadership Coach Prime's leadership, Phil Distefano's leadership, they're partnering with us to do NIL correctly," said Tufts.  

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