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Colorado's new laws include criminalizing pointing lasers at aircraft, motor vehicle theft penalties

A new month brings new laws on the books in Colorado, everything from a change in the penalties for people who steal cars to criminalizing the pointing of lasers at aircraft.

Pointing at a laser at a plane or helicopter was not a crime in Colorado before July 1, 2023. This will help law enforcement in Colorado who in the past have had to rely on the federal government to crack down because it was only a federal crime.

Shining a light or laser pointer at an aircraft soon to be a felony in Colorado 02:58

Colorado is number one in the country for the rate of stolen cars. Since 2019, auto theft in the Denver metro area increased 152%. Prosecutors pushed for the new law. The penalties for motor vehicle theft are no longer based on the value of the vehicle or vehicles stolen. (see SB23-097 Motor Vehicle Theft and Unauthorized Use)

You may have heard of Miranda rights on the CBS shows CSI or FBI. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning." House Bill 23-1155 codifies the Miranda rights. For a statement made during a custodial interrogation to be admissible against the accused defendant in a criminal proceeding, the accused defendant must be advised of specified rights prior to making the statement. (See HB23-1155 Concerning the advisement of rights during a custodial investigation)

There's also a new law that changes the definitions for mandatory sentences for violent crimes and the punishment for habitual criminals. (HB 23-1292 enhances sentencing Colorado Commission On Criminal And Juvenile Justice Recommendations)

Other Bills:

SB 23-034 - Definition Of Serious Bodily Injury
SB 23-290 - Natural Medicine Regulation and Legalization
SB 23-100 - Uniform Community Property Disposition At Death Act
SB 23-240 - Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Dairy Plant Fees
SB 23-285 - Energy And Carbon Management Regulation In Colorado
HB 23-1196 - Remedies For Violating Colorado Youth Act
HB 23-1138 - Adult Competency 

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