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Colorado Takes Next Step Toward Importing Prescription Drugs from Canada

DENVER (CBS4) - Colorado is taking a new step toward importing prescription drugs from Canada. The state is now soliciting vendors to implement Colorado's Canadian Drug Importation Program. The program is designed to give Coloradans access to Canada's lower-priced drugs.

meds, medicine, Prescription bottles
(credit: CBS)

"The U.S. pays the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, and we are sick and tired of being ripped off," Gov. Jared Polis stated. "Almost one in three Coloradans do not take their prescription drugs as directed because they can't afford to."

"My administration will lead the way in changing that," Polis stated. "Safely importing prescription drugs from Canada is one of the ways we can help Coloradans save money on health care."

Importation of certain prescription drugs was made possible through a change in federal policy in Nov. 2020. The federal final rule implements a provision of federal law from 2003 that allows FDA-authorized programs to import certain prescription drugs from Canada to Colorado.

The average savings on importable drugs was more than 60% -- but savings for some drugs was greater than 90%, according to a recent report released by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing.

Bids are due by Monday, April 26. The Department anticipates awarding vendor contracts later this year.

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