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$1 Million Colorado Comeback Cash Drawing Planned Friday For Vaccinated Coloradans

UPDATE: How To Make Sure Your Name Is Listed In Colorado's $1 Million Giveaway

(CBS4) - Coloradans vaccinated against COVID-19 will have their first opportunity to win $1 million this Friday. Gov. Jared Polis recently announced Colorado Comeback Cash, a lottery incentive for Coloradans over the age of 18 who have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

(credit: CDPHE)

The state will hold five drawings on June 4, 11, 18 and July 7. The last day to qualify for the drawing is June 30.

The state will select the winner using vaccine records from the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS). Officials say it can take a few days for the information to be entered into CIIS, so Coloradans should try to get vaccinated as early as possible to qualify.

(credit: CDPHE)

Several Coloradans tell CBS4 they have been unable to locate their vaccination records through the state's database. The CIIS search page requires a name, birthdate, gender and phone number using the same spelling as the entry.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment provided the following statement to CBS4:

"We are aware that some individuals are having a difficult time verifying their immunization information through the online Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS) portal. It is most likely because the information the provider reported does not exactly match what individuals are entering in the portal. When searching through the portal, the following fields must match exactly what the provider entered: first name, last name, date of birth, gender and mobile phone number and/or email address. So if someone goes by John Smith but their medical provider has their name as Jonathan Smith that is what they should use to search. In addition, if a provider misspelled a name or had a typo in the entry, there will not be a match.

"While there could be a slight lag between vaccinations and providers entering the information in the system, we are confident the majority of providers are entering information in a timely manner. 89% of all COVID doses have been reported to CIIS within 72 hours of the vaccine administration date.

"Individuals who entered their information in the portal and believe they entered it exactly as the provider did should contact their provider to ensure their information was entered accurately and to confirm how it was reported to CIIS. If that's not possible, they can contact the CIIS Help Desk to verify they are in the system and/or to update their contact information on their CIIS record.

"The Colorado Comeback Cash drawings are intended to provide additional reward for getting vaccinated against COVID-19. Several states are using this approach, and in Ohio, which has had a drawing in place for the longest period of time, there has been a 28% increase in vaccinations.

"We look forward to seeing increases in our vaccination rates as well and are working with vaccine providers to track increases. There is a slight lag in reporting vaccinations to CIIS, so we will have a better sense of the increase in a few days. We encourage Coloradans to get vaccinated as soon as possible so they can be eligible for the five upcoming drawings. Winners will be announced on June 4, June 11, June 18, June 25, with the final winner being announced on July 7. Coloradans must be vaccinated by June 30 to qualify to win on July 7."

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