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Cloud Seeding More Effective During El Nino Years

DURANGO, Colo. (CBS4) - Water conservationists in Colorado are trying to squeeze every drop of moisture from our winter snow, even if that means making some of their own .

The Durango Herald reported that researchers are cloud seeding. The process uses generators on the ground that send up vapor particles to coax out extra moisture from clouds.

(credit: CBS)

"It creates an artificial ice crystal that moisture in the base of the cloud can attach to and fall out as additional snow," Eric Hjermstad with Western Weather Consultants said.

(credit: CBS)

Studies show cloud seeding can add up to 15 percent extra moisture to a storm. It's especially effective during wet, El Nino winters like the one that's occurring now.

Seeding also helps build snowpack and refill reservoirs.

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