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Cherry Creek State Park's Swim Area Closed Due To E. Coli Levels

AURORA, Colo. (CBS4) -- Cherry Creek State Park's designated swim area is temporarily closed due to higher than allowable E. coli bacteria levels, Colorado Parks and Wildlife announced Friday.

The beach area and other water related activities such as boating, waterskiing, paddleboarding and fishing will remain open to the public. Only the swim area is closed.

"These closures are not a common occurrence, but can be caused by fecal waste from wildlife, run-off from urban areas, or excessive run-off from rain which we have had a lot of lately," said Cherry Creek State Park Manager Jason Trujillo.

The swim area originally closed on Tuesday. The water gets tested daily and when the bacteria levels meet Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) standards, the swim area will be reopened.

For information on when the swim area will reopen, visit CPW's website at



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