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CBS4's Karen Leigh Shares Stories, Photos For Father's Day

DENVER (CBS4) - With Father's Day coming up on Sunday, CBS4 newscasters are thinking of their dads and the special impact they've had on their lives.

CBS4 anchor Karen Leigh shared photos ...

... and this story:

by Karen Leigh

There are so many things I love about my dad, but some of the things that stand out most for me involve his love and respect for the great outdoors.

I remember countless summer days as a kid getting up before dawn to go bass fishing with dad and watching the sun rise over the still lake.

We spent every summer camping, fishing and swimming in the closest "swimming" holes.

I can almost smell and taste the fried fish cooking up in the black cast iron pot he so loves to cook in.

He loves to get up with the sun, and is always eager to get his day going.

He was never much of one to waste his day.

My deep love and connection to nature undoubtedly thrived because he spent so much time with me outdoors as a kid.

I am grateful to him for that, and so many other things.

He taught me a strong work ethic, to respect my elders, and to respect our military.

He retired as a Lt. Col. in the Army Reserves.

He taught me never to quit, to stand by family and friends, and to work hard and honestly.

My father is by no means perfect, but is always quick to share an encouraging word, hug and "I love you."

And for those things, and so many more, I am lucky to call him "dad."

Happy father's day, Dad …. Thanks, and I love you.

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