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Cars Keep Crashing Into Wedding Boutique

LOVELAND, Colo. (CBS4) - A Loveland bridal shop apparently has a target on it. Two cars have run into the store in the past 3 weeks.

The Festive Moments shop has been hit five times in the past 9 years. Each time a vehicle has been parked in the gas station across the street and the driver forgot to put it in park. The empty vehicles then roll into the shop.

"You know how you would scan the horizon like, 'Where's my truck?' As he found his truck it was just crashing into our display window," Festive Moments owner Jo Hass said.

Hass and the owners of the building and the business say they're very concerned about safety of pedestrians and other drivers.

"If a car should be coming, or a truck, we're concerned that they would be injured, or worse yet, that it would take their life," Hass said.

The shop owners are looking at options to protect their building. They say in the past it has always seemed too expensive to put up barriers in front of the building.

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