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Career Criminal Sentenced To 48 Years For Sex Assault

DENVER (CBS4) - A man who broke into a Denver home last summer and sexually assaulted a woman inside was sentenced to 48 years in prison on Thursday.

The attack happened in July at an apartment on the 700 block of West 5th Avenue, and the victim was in the courtroom to hear the sentence.

Solis' fingerprints were left behind on the air conditioning unit that he removed to get into the unit.

Prosecutors say once Solis got inside he strangled, punched the victim in the face and then sexually assaulted her. The woman had been sleeping at the time of the assault.

When Solis left he also stole a bag.

Prosecutors said Solis is a career criminal. He spent 19 years in jail for attempted murder and had been out of prison for 3 years when this latest crime happened.

The victim in the case was visibly upset to be in the same courtroom as Solis. She declined a request to talk with CBS4 about the case.

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