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Broncos Memorabilia Collectors Open Home For Big Sale

LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4)- One Lakewood couple is selling a lifetime collection of Denver Broncos merchandise.

Inside Bill and Barbara Cramer's home is the ultimate Broncos collection filled with everything from jackets, posters and autographed footballs.

"In life everybody gets comfortable with where they're at and what they have and I am surrounded by comfort with what we have here and what's in this room," said Bill.

Now the Cramers are ready to pass along their Broncos collectibles to other fans.

"I'm not a hoarder but I like my stuff," said Bill.

The couple's shared excitement over everything Broncos budded in the 1980s.

"We went on a Broncos cruise," said Barbara.

If it's got the Broncos brand, chances are you'll find it in the Cramer's basement.

Unfortunately their collection won't fit inside their new home so they're opening their doors to fans who are looking for a little bit of everything Broncos.

After the sale they'll be ready to watch their favorite team take down the San Diego Chargers on Sunday.

"And you know that Mr. Rivers, not Reggie Rivers, I want to see him go down," said Barbara.

Most of the Broncos gear is priced at $300-$500. One special item, John Elway Special Edition Coors Light Beer Cans are so rare that they're going for $50,000.

Barbara and Bill will donate some of the money to a camping facility for people with disabilities.

The Broncos memorabilia sale is Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Cramer's home at 525 Meadowlark Drive in Lakewood.

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