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Boulder to take part in urban heat mapping initiative

Boulder to take part in urban heat mapping initiative
Boulder to take part in urban heat mapping initiative 00:31

More than 100 volunteers will be on a unique mission in Boulder on July 22. They will be collecting temperature, heat and humidity data from all over the city.

Boulder is one of 18 cities across the country taking part in the urban heat mapping initiative. It was organized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association.


"In the face of a warming climate, it's vital to understand which parts of the city are at the greatest risk due to hot and dry weather," said City of Boulder Policy Advisor, Brett KenCairn. "This data will help us direct investments in natural climate solutions, like trees, gardens and green spaces, to the places that need it the most."

The goal is to understand which parts of the city are at the greatest risk from hot and dry weather. It will allow the city to invest in natural climate solutions like green spaces in areas that need it most.

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