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Lines At Grocery Give Away In Boulder County Highlights The Need Following The Marshall Fire

LOUISVILLE, Colo. (CBS4)- The Boulder County community is still trying to pick up the pieces after the historic Marshall fire. Plenty of people are still in need of housing, clothes, and food. Some of those Boulder County residents who had their lives turned upside down, had a chance Saturday morning to pick up some essentials free of charge.

food bank
(credit: CBS)

Adam Deal the Associate Director of Operations for Community Food Share describes some of what they were giving away. "We got some great milk, cheese, hummus, peanut butter, Kind Bars, we have pet food we have some Skin beauty products… all types of great things."

Community Food Share, a food bank serving Boulder and Broomfield Counties, is held a free pop-up grocery distribution Saturday at Clinica Family Health in Louisville to support those impacted by the Marshall fire in addition to other families in need.

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If the lines of cars that showed up are any indication, they were providing a much-needed service as families find themselves suddenly picking up the pieces of their shattered lives.

"A lot of people in our community that maybe have not had to utilize this type of service are really going to get to see you know the community kind of bind together to help them," said Deal.

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"I think today just gives people a little bit of hope and just lets them know how close knit this community is."

This was supposed to be a one-time event, but after seeing how many people reached out for help following the fire, Adam says they will need to think about holding more events like this in the future.

"I would definitely say that we are going to plan on doing some more," he said.

Seeing as how Community Food Share is seeing increased need, they are also in need themselves of donations. They say they always will accept food donations, but they say equally important are financial gifts.

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