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Can't Float Away The Heat: Most Colorado Waterways Closed To Tubing

BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4)- If you're looking to beat the heat, tubing down Boulder Creek is usually a great way to do it. But that water activity may be off-limits for a while.

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"It's super fast and cold," says Shane who took his buddy Dante tubing for the first time Wednesday.

Dante agrees, "It is literally the best thing in the entire world. I'm actually kind of surprised that more people aren't out here."

It's a good thing they chose to tube where they did because the Boulder County Sherriff closed St. Vrain Creek to tubers because conditions are too dangerous, and they aren't alone. In Fort Collins, the Poudre River is closed to water activities and in Golden, Clear Creek is closed to tubers and swimmers.

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"It's not a simple decision but it always comes down to public safety," said Golden Police Deputy Chief Joe Harvey.

He says they don't like telling people they can't take a dip in Clear Creek, but with the water running this fast and cold, it poses a risk to human life. Plus, you just never know what lurks beneath the current that could harm you. Things like rocks or debris.

"These things when you can't see them can create additional hazards to people's safety," said Harvey.

That doesn't mean you can't come to the creek at all. Double chamber craft and kayaks are still allowed or you don't have to get into the water at all.

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"It's beautiful along the creek. You can certainly sit and enjoy this, have a picnic and watch the water," said Harvey.

It's what Shane and Dante might do for now in Boulder until the water calms.

"It's probably a good idea that they closed it," admits Shane.

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