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Boulder Chews On New Rules For Food Trucks

BOULDER, Colo. (CBS4)- Boulder is chewing on the possibility of new rules for food trucks.

Truck owners say the current city rules keep them away from many of the places they would like to do business.

Those rules keep food trucks from setting up within 150 feet of a home or restaurant and they're not allowed to operate past 9 p.m.

Heirloom food truck owner John Campbell is happy the Boulder City Council is willing to consider changes.

"I think it's about time. We did get a lot of flack from the brick and mortar restaurants in the beginning but I think people realize there is a lot of great food being served out of these trucks and it brings business to the city," said Campbell.

The city council was debating the possibility of changes on Wednesday evening. If the council decided to make changes the issue would still need to go before a public hearing before changes could be made.

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