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'Bloodless' Bullfighting Arrives In Colorado

By Andrea Flores

DENVER (CBS4) - Bullfighting is tradition in countries like Spain and Mexico, but has been a controversial issue for centuries.

"I don't see how any culture can get pleasure out of terrorizing an animal," said Roland Halpern of Colorado Voters for Animals.

Saturday "bloodless" bullfighting came to Colorado for the first time at the National Western Stock Show Complex.

"We want to create fights without blood, and that way the bullfighters don't have to go to Spain or Mexico to have bullfights and kill them. They can come to America and everyone goes home," said Joe Fernandez of White Eagle Production.

Fernandez produced the event and considers it an ethical expression of culture without bloodshed.

Bullfighters knives are replaced with Velcro, while a Velcro patch is placed on the animal.

While Fernandez ensures the bulls don't feel physical pain, Colorado Voters for Animals calls it cruel.

"It's suffering psychological damage, and it's putting stress on the animals," Halpern said. "When the animal is being terrorized, or being exploited for entertainment, we're totally against that."

Organizers of the bullfight hope to bring the event back to Colorado in the future.

Andrea Flores is a reporter for CBS4. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter @AndreaFloresTV.

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