Bike To Wherever Celebrates Cycling During COVID-19
DENVER (CBS4) – This would have been the 30th anniversary of Colorado's Bike to Work Day, but the June event had to be cancelled in the wake of coronavirus. In a regular year, 30,000 cyclists would participate in Bike to Work Day. Way to Go would coordinate dozens of way stations throughout the Metra Area, and it's the second largest in the state.
"Of course, we realize that a lot of folks have yet to return to an office, or a physical work site, so Bike to Wherever Week is really just a call to try out biking to wherever," said Allison Redmon, the Manager of Way to Go.
Way to Go is asking everyone to go to the Bike To Wherever website, make a pledge to try biking just once this week. When you make that pledge you're automatically registered for the chance to win a commuter bike from Colorado Classic.
"I think a lot of people tend to forget how much fun it is to ride your bike. You know, as kids we all remember the freedom and fun of hoping on your bike and going somewhere, so we want people to remember that," Redmon explained.
Redmon points out that bike is also good for your health, your stress levels, and for the environment. The plan is to celebrate Biking to Wherever through September 25th, and hopefully return to the traditional Bike to Work Day in June of 2021, depending on the pandemic.