Officials Warn Residents As Bears Awake From Winter Slumber
DURANGO, Colo. (AP) - Colorado wildlife officials are warning residents to take precaution as bears begin to wake up from their winter slumber. The Durango Herald reports bears usually start emerging from their dens during the first weeks of April.
But Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesman Joe Lewandowski says wildlife officials mark April 15 as the day bear activity is typically expected to pick up.
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He says male bears are usually the first to start stirring around. Female bears, especially those nursing cubs, tend to stay in their dens a few weeks longer to conserve energy and wait until there are more available food sources in the forest.
Lewandowski says there already have been some bear spottings around Durango.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Durango Wildlife Manager Matt Thorpe says it's important for residents to report unwanted bear activity.
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